A Fresh Look for Tech Yeah: Updates and Insights

We’ve been diligently working on updating our main webpage to achieve a professional appearance with a touch of modern flair. The Tech Yeah website has evolved through several iterations over the past couple of years. This latest redesign marks an exciting milestone for Tech Yeah’s future.

Our webpage evolves alongside my journey in web application development, incorporating new learnings and techniques. Tech Yeah’s main site runs on a LAMP stack, powered by WordPress and self-hosted.

Stay tuned for an upcoming tutorial where I’ll guide you through the process step-by-step. You’ll learn how to create a stunning webpage, even with minimal programming knowledge. And the best part? It’s completely free! All you need is an extra computer to install Debian or another Linux flavor. The hardware requirements for a web server are surprisingly low.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and I’m thrilled about the exciting future ahead for Tech Yeah!